Hello, My name is Courtney Laperna
I awakened to my multidimensional self in 2018, after the synchronized meeting of my twin flame in Las Vegas. I have since then grown closer to God & discovered my profound purpose and mission here on Earth as a lightworker. I enjoy diving into the more dense and negative energies, which I then transmute and release into the light. I chose to be born in an ancestral line that has a lot of negative karma, which has allowed me to grasp the vast amount of empathy that is needed to work with such dense and negative energy. I have seen it all and I promise I will create a safe space for you to be completely transparent and feel absolutely no judgement from me.
I believe that connection and an open mind and heart can take us beyond what we ever thought we were capable of.
Work with me! Lets inspire each other đź’™
In times of great changes certain soul groups reincarnate together to co-create with each other and to ignite their flames, to remembering their mission to help raise the vibration of Gaia. A soul group (soulmates) consists of 144 souls. Within that soul group there are clusters of 12. The cluster of 12 is one ENTIRE soul. That soul is 6 part feminine energy and 6 part masculine energy. This soul is too powerful to reincarnate into one singular body, so it is then split into 12 different bodies where each body expresses a different energy (feminine or masculine). This allows each person to express a different part of that entire soul.
Since there are 6 feminine and 6 masculine, there would be 6 sets of Twin Flames (12 twin souls of that one cluster). Twin Flames are not as similar as many people believe. They each are one part of one soul. They are like 2 sides of one coin, where one Twin will express the masculine energy polarity, and the other twin will express the feminine energy polarity. Masculine energy is “doing”. Feminine energy is “being.” Masculine energy uses logic and reason. Feminine energy uses intuition. This allows the masculine to be more purpose driven and focused, while the feminine is more free flowing and emotion driven. Twin Flames usually are placed in completely opposite locations, and come from completely different worlds. This allows creation to express the same soul but in many different ways. This also teaches the Twins about duality and unconditional love.
After meeting, the Twins will go through years of separation so they can learn to balance the masculine and feminine energies within themselves first. This will bring up any part of them that needs healing. This process is not easy. It is one of the most painful things that I have ever been through. Both Twins must be balanced in their masculine and feminine energy within, before they can ever be in union with their Twin. Your Twin does not complete you. You must complete yourself First. Both will start to attract people into their lives that will help them transform. This includes soulmates, twin souls, and karmics. Twin Flames are very much opposites to each other, but they compliment each other as well. They are two sides of the same coin. They each offer what the other one is lacking.
There will usually be an awakened Twin and an unawakened Twin. The awakened Twin is the feminine polarity (spiritual twin) and will guide the other one consciously or subconsciously into enlightenment. Twin Flames are ancient souls that agreed to reincarnate at this time of great change, where they will go through immense pain and darkness and eventually reunite with their counterpart. The love that the Twins have for each other is so ancient and profound that it can change the frequency of the Earths photon belt. Often Twin Flames have been infiltrated by dark forces. These dark forces want nothing more than to stop humanity from reaching ascension. There will most likely be addiction and mental health issues, ego issues, physical distance, financial issues, cultural differences, and political differences. Almost anything polar and extreme that the Twin’s love must overcome. It is their mission to save themselves and then to save humanity. Twin flames are less about romance and more about their mission. The separation allows them to experience love on a deeper and multidimensional level.
It is said to that the Earth is continuously ascending and descending in consciousness in a 26,000 year cycle. This encompasses the entire zodiac cycle, with each zodiac sign equating to about 2,166 years. Each of the four stages lasts about 6,500 years (3 zodiac signs for each stage).
There are four main stages: